Domingo Club is an initiative by Maud Bausier and Antoine Jaunard, a Belgian creative duo with complementary strengths, settled in Barcelona, Spain.
Our respective backgrounds ranging from design to digital fabrication, electronics, programming and biohacking as well as our growing common interest in the practice of fermentation and the fantastic world of fungi have led us to found Domingo Club in 2021 in an attempt to save our endangered climate.
Since then we design, ferment, create, grow, observe and share. We dedicate our practice to the benefit of our health, our communities and our planet.

Mycelium and other microorganisms
It’s been a few years now since we decided to devote a large part of our personal energies to fermentation processes, and in particular tempeh fermentation, as part of a movement of sharing, solidarity and resilience. We see tempeh as one of the solutions to the climate crisis, thanks to the plant protein it provides and the consequent reduction or elimination of animal products to meet our nutritional needs. But it is also an invitation to observe the natural processes that surround us, to become aware of where our food comes from and to (re)form a relationship with it that is all too often lost. This symbiosis between legumes and mycelium formed during the fermentation of tempeh has therefore become of great interest in our practice.
Our vision of the world changed when we began to take an interest in micro-organisms, fermenting all sorts of things at home, enjoying taking care of our cultures, tasting them in our meals and feeling the benefits for our health. We now want to share this fabulous practice of fermenting tempeh, teaching it as an innovative and regenerative solution in a context linked to our food heritage, and to the future of the global food system.

Making tools
In the kitchen, it seems natural to share a good recipe, and tips and tricks on how to please our taste buds. We share knowledge from one generation to the next. We preserve the cultural heritage while allowing it to be augmented by the findings of the community. Unfortunately, this mentality is not found in all sectors. Too often, we put personal profit before the well-being of people. We keep our technological discoveries to ourselves in order to extract maximum money and merit. But this capitalist egoism that leads to unfair products and services only exists when power is centralized in one point, one company.
What if we liberate knowledge and allow it to flow in all directions? What if we allow peer reviews to make sure everyone agrees on how things are done? What if we use the principles of Distributed Design and decentralized manufacturing to make sure that everyone in every corner of the globe has access to the same technology? That’s what we want to be a part of.
At Domingo Club, we advocate open-source tools to allow others to understand, modify and repair what we produce. We use digital fabrication techniques to prototype and produce our devices. Allowing them to be (re)produced in any Fab Lab / makerspace around the world, according to the principles of open-source and decentralized fabrication.