Collaborating with microorganisms workshop for iFest
Last Wednesday we held a workshop on ‘Collaborating with Microorganisms’ in partnership with Fab Lab Barcelona as part of the iFest, a great challenge competition of Catalonia that trains young people to innovation and entrepreneurship.
We introduced the six winning teams to fermentation processes, why and how to reintroduce these techniques as a sustainable, nutritious and affordable solution to fixing our food system and tackling the climate crisis.
We then got our hands wet by making a kraut-chi, a hybrid of sauerkraut and kimchi, the German and Korean words for fermented vegetables. We took care of unseen nature by passing on our good energy to this magical process. At the end of the workshop, participants went home with a small jar of their own kraut-chi.
It was a dynamic, fun and inspiring opportunity for us to pass on our vision and knowledge to a group of attentive and creative students who are the next generation of innovators.