Food System Game Changer

EAT, IDEO, Thought For Food, The Rockefeller Foundation and Forum For the Future have joined forces to discover and support ideas, enterprises and initiatives that have the potential to transform our world’s food systems. The Food Systems Game Changers Lab is in support of the UN Food Systems Summit.

With the Domingo Club, we’re working with other game changers who have ideas, initiatives, and innovations that can bring positive change to global food systems—and the passion, grit, collaborative spirit, and determination required to take our solutions forward in partnership with others.

We’re part of the innovating protein cohort.

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The new version of the incubator is coming

We have started the design of the new version of our incubator, taking into account the feedback received since our previous prototype. In particular, its size!

Everyone has different needs, tastes, space, and so does our incubator. We design our new model/prototype in a free and open-source software, Freecad, that offers everyone the possibility to use and modify our designs to meet their needs.

We will be fabricating the new incubator this summer at Fab Lab Barcelona as part of Food Shift’s Food Tech 3.0 programme. All the sources of our project will be available as soon as they are usable, on our website and most probably on Wikifactory.

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Sriracha sauce in the making

This morning I came back from the local fruit and vegetable shop with a ton of chillies, with the idea of making a new sriracha sauce (a fermented chilli sauce from Thailand). This sauce never lasts long in our house, we eat it with just about everything.

The recipe is composed of two steps with a fermentation time in between, which makes it quite quick and easy to make for an excellent and very spicy result.

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The very first post

Welcome to our new section: The Domingo Journal. Here we want to explain a little more deeply and naturally the things we do, that happen to us, that we create on a daily basis. To take you with us.

Because we don’t want to centralise our content on platforms we don’t trust, we decided to keep the scoop here and then relay it to our Instagram and Mastodon (think of the free and open source version of Twitter) accounts and simply and brilliantly through our RSS feed.

See you soon.

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