We are thrilled to be featured in the documentary This is Distributed Design as winners of the Distributed Design Award!
This is a movement that has such great potential in the way we design and produce goods around the world. Congratulations to those who make it all possible.
We gave an interview to the Belgian magazine Dot-To-Dot, an online format that promotes lifestyles in harmony with the environment through various aspects such as agriculture, food, the sharing of urban space and consumption patterns in an urban setting.
We retraced our path and explained our values. The transcript is available online on [their website]( (https://dot-to-dot.be/domingo-club/) (only in French, sorry).
This summer, makery.info (media for labs) came to interview us in our studio in Barcelona about our practice and projects. The transcript is now online on their website. Check it out to better understand what we do :-)
Thanks Maya & Ewen, come back anytime for more “fermented discussions” 🌻