An open-source fermenter

Several months ago, we made a video for an Hackaday contest, when we were on our way to Indonesia. Today we realised that we’d never shared it, perhaps because we hadn’t won the grand prize. In this video, we explain our fermenter, from its use to its fabrication. Our product has changed a bit in the meantime, but it’s still great to see all the work we’ve done since the beginning of our adventure.

And as usual, with Maud in front of the camera and Antoine behind it. Enjoy!

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Pop Maquina Policy Conference

We were delighted to be invited on 14 September 2023 to take part in a round table discussion on “Circular entrepreneurship and incentives for boosting the circular maker movement” at the Pop-Machina policy conference in Brussels, a European Horizon 2020 project researching the circular economy and collaborative production in urban environments through makerspaces, urban regeneration and entrepreneurship.

As a maker-entrepreneur, it was great to get together with other practitioners as well as policy makers and academics to think about the different approaches in each sector, as well as the current challenges and the results achieved. In particular, we had the opportunity to express our views on subjects such as how makerspaces and makers can work together to boost the circular economy and entrepreneurship, and how the European Union can boost circularity and makerspaces via a labelling or certification system.

Circularity has always played a key role in our project. As well as opting for sustainable materials, we take great care to ensure that our designs can be dismantled, repaired and upgraded. Prototyping and producing our products in makerspaces allows us to demonstrate this. By making our products open-source, we want everyone to be able to understand them and participate in their longevity.

It was therefore super satisfying for us to take part in this Pop-machina closing event, after having participated in the project as a mentor and inspiring guest last December.

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An Indonesian version of the Domingo necklace

An exciting collaboration. We created the Domingo fermenter necklace just over a year ago, with the aim of revealing a fantastic natural process by inviting the wearer to transfer their energy to a mycelial network. We use it by making tempeh, a fermentation process originally from Indonesia that combines plants and mushrooms to create delicious plant proteins.

For several months now, we have been working with The Indonesia Tempe Movement to create a local version of the necklace for Indonesians, so that they can proudly wear and promote their cultural heritage, for a plant-based future that is nutritious, affordable and delicious. Part of the profits are donated to YUM, an association fighting malnutrition in Indonesia.

Thanks to Driando, Vania and Ruben for this great collaboration.
Long live tempeh!

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A new website for our current practice

Original painting by Joachim Beuckelaer, Edited by Antoine Jaunard

The website you are looking at is new and under development. We thought it was necessary to better reflect our current practice.

Domingo Club was born out of a growing desire to explore and share our discoveries about mycelium and food, and thus the fermentation of tempeh, and to create tools so that everyone can discover it at their own pace at home, and bring about a positive change in the food system at a citizen level. Because, as you know, our food system is broken. You know that, don’t you?

But we don’t want to stop there. We want to continue proposing innovative solutions to the problems facing our society. Whether it’s our own projects or yours. We’re open to collaboration, and what we do for ourselves, we can do for others.

This new website takes into account the triangular geometry of our practice: one project, one product, one documentation. Our projects are open-source and documented so that anyone can make them their own using digital fabrication techniques, but they are also manufactured and sold by us so that they can be used by everyone and so that we can be paid for our work.

We’re busy filling the website with content, paragraph by paragraph, image by image. If any of the documentation you were looking at is missing, it will come back quickly. More information about its making on this page.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to tell us what you think, to share your ideas or to discuss a possible collaboration. We’d love to chat with you.

Maud & Antoine

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Our studio is getting the tropical climate

the mycelium grows in the open air

Our studio got the tropical climate, the mycelium grows on its own. Unfortunately, this is bad news for our beloved earth.

But as the mycelium grows, so does hope, the hope of better managing the resources available to us, of processing foods that require little energy, and of ending or drastically reducing meat consumption and all the unnecessary suffering and CO2 that goes with it.

Another way of feeding, clothing and sheltering ourselves, in collaboration with the living, is possible. And we strongly believe that mycelium will take us there.

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FoodCulture Days 2023

It was a blast to be part of the @foodculturedays art biennial 2023, surrounded by wonderful people, landscapes, art and food. The initiative proposes artistic and multidisciplinary projects that address the intrinsic link between food and ecology, with the aim of promoting social and environmental justice.

There, we organised two experiments based on the Domingo fermenter necklace. In two intimate workshops with 10 participants, we explored and understood the preparation of tempeh and then passed on our energy to the mycelial network on the festival site. Two days later, we gathered in the kitchen to celebrate the growth of the mycelium and taste the personal flavours of each tempeh.

It was an incredible opportunity for us to carry out this experiment over several days and receive live impressions from the participants. It’s definitely a fantastic and powerful way of connecting with them.

We were also delighted to be able to take part in the various activities offered as part of the programme and meet other initiatives and projects.

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Tempeh Fermentation Workshop #3

Another workshop on Tempeh Fermentation in Akasha Hub Barcelona!

We took inspiration from Jessica Halim’s beautiful work and we experimented with different flavours using edible herbs and flowers from Akasha’s garden to flavour and colour our tempehs. It was a great way to awaken our visual, olfactory and gustatory senses at the same time!

Together we learned the basics of tempeh fermentation, discovered the power of mycelium, and experimented with new ways of making tempeh. And of course, we had a tasting session.

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Tempeh Fermentation Workshop #2

This was our second workshop on Tempeh Fermentation that we hosted in our shared space Akasha Hub Barcelona. This time we have been experimenting with alternative techniques to shape our tempeh. We used cabbage leaves, banana leaves (as in Indonesia) and other vegetables, such as peppers, to see how the mycelium grows in the organic material and if it tastes different. In the end of the workshop, participants had the choice of taking their tempeh home with them or leaving it to incubate in our fermenters on site and coming to collect it from the following Wednesday.

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Tempeh Fermentation Workshop #1

This is the start of a series of workshops on tempeh fermentation that we’re running on Sunday mornings in our shared space, Akasha Hub Barcelona.

The participants are invited to join and to observe, understand, enjoy and take part in this fermentation process that unites the world of fungi and plants in a convivial setting, including tasting!

In the end of the workshop, participants have the choice of taking their tempeh home with them or leaving it to incubate in our fermenters on site and coming to collect it from the following Wednesday.

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Internet of Tricks

What can technology teach us? What is the scope of objects connected to the Internet? How can they be introduced to the new generations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such objects?

These are the kinds of questions that the European project Internet of Tricks has asked us to consider. We are developing educational kits through which we will run workshops about the place of technology and connected objects in our society.

The first educational object we are designing is a connected tool that invites participants to close their eyes and meditate. This object, equipped with a camera, analyses the participants to detect their level of meditation and communicates from one object to another, inviting others to join a collective meditation. The object is open-source and designed to be built and deconstructed, learned and re-appropriated.

The second prototype we are working on is a connected plant care station. This device measures the environmental data of a plant, waters it according to its needs and displays the collected data on an online dashboard. The project is free and open-source and is intended to be comprehensive and understandable in order to teach the possibilities of prototyping, electronics and IOT.

We are happy to be able to work on this project which links our different interests: nature, technology and education.

Find the documentation on github : iot meditation link ; iot gardening station

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