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Domingo Fermenters Club #02

​Fermentation is a beautiful practice of resilience that invites us to (re)discover our food landscape, to collaborate with microorganisms and to delight our taste buds. We love the effect that fermentation, and therefore fermented food, has on us so much that we would like to invite you all to another Domingo Fermenters Club next Sunday, the 5th of May.

​With this meeting we would like to invite you all to (try to) ferment something at home and come and share it with us. Together we will talk, eat, drink, discover, experiment and share the fascinating world of fermentation. In this edition, Arantza Begueria, fermenter and anthropologist, will present her research on the practice of fermentation in different areas of Barcelona. Guiding us into unexplored territories. The presentation will mainly be in Spanish, but the discussions will take place in a natural way, no matter what language you speak. The food speaks for itself.

The Domingo Fermenters Club is a gathering where new and old friends share a common practice, talk about it and share experiences. We learn by doing, we care by sharing. The event is free, although the venue Akasha Hub asks for an annual membership of 5 euros and a jar for donations will be present for those willing to support us financially.

​We hope to see you there with your fuzzy experiment,
Maud and Antoine

Sunday 05/05/24
From 12 to 2 pm

Carrer de la Verneda, 19, Nave 1,
Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona


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FoodCulture Days 2023

It was a blast to be part of the @foodculturedays art biennial 2023, surrounded by wonderful people, landscapes, art and food. The initiative proposes artistic and multidisciplinary projects that address the intrinsic link between food and ecology, with the aim of promoting social and environmental justice.

There, we organised two experiments based on the Domingo fermenter necklace. In two intimate workshops with 10 participants, we explored and understood the preparation of tempeh and then passed on our energy to the mycelial network on the festival site. Two days later, we gathered in the kitchen to celebrate the growth of the mycelium and taste the personal flavours of each tempeh.

It was an incredible opportunity for us to carry out this experiment over several days and receive live impressions from the participants. It’s definitely a fantastic and powerful way of connecting with them.

We were also delighted to be able to take part in the various activities offered as part of the programme and meet other initiatives and projects.

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Tempeh Fermentation Workshop #3

Another workshop on Tempeh Fermentation in Akasha Hub Barcelona!

We took inspiration from Jessica Halim’s beautiful work and we experimented with different flavours using edible herbs and flowers from Akasha’s garden to flavour and colour our tempehs. It was a great way to awaken our visual, olfactory and gustatory senses at the same time!

Together we learned the basics of tempeh fermentation, discovered the power of mycelium, and experimented with new ways of making tempeh. And of course, we had a tasting session.

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Tempeh Fermentation Workshop #2

This was our second workshop on Tempeh Fermentation that we hosted in our shared space Akasha Hub Barcelona. This time we have been experimenting with alternative techniques to shape our tempeh. We used cabbage leaves, banana leaves (as in Indonesia) and other vegetables, such as peppers, to see how the mycelium grows in the organic material and if it tastes different. In the end of the workshop, participants had the choice of taking their tempeh home with them or leaving it to incubate in our fermenters on site and coming to collect it from the following Wednesday.

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Tempeh Fermentation Workshop #1

This is the start of a series of workshops on tempeh fermentation that we’re running on Sunday mornings in our shared space, Akasha Hub Barcelona.

The participants are invited to join and to observe, understand, enjoy and take part in this fermentation process that unites the world of fungi and plants in a convivial setting, including tasting!

In the end of the workshop, participants have the choice of taking their tempeh home with them or leaving it to incubate in our fermenters on site and coming to collect it from the following Wednesday.

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We have been invited last week by Pop-Machina to moderate and to give a guest talk for their distributed hybrid event. This event celebrated the completion of the Circular Maker Accelerator program, promoting circular entrepreneurship through makerspaces, with success stories and lessons learned for scaling up.

Pop-Machina is a Horizon 2020 project that seeks to highlight and reinforce the links between the maker movement and circular economy in order to promote environmental sustainability and generate socio-economic benefits in European cities.

It was fun and engaging for us to facilitate this event with all these new connected initiatives going together in the same direction, sharing their values and resources to implement a new economic model. We felt satisfied and optimistic about the next stories to come.

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Idea Fest 2022

Our work has been presented at IdeaFest, the largest Indonesian festival for the creative industry. This year’s festival aimed to inspire people to re-examine their reality, especially from the perspective of change.

In this context, our friend Dr. Amadeus Driando, Tempe & Food Technopreneur and Co-founder of Indonesian Tempe Movement, was invited to give a talk on tempeh and its potential. He featured, among others, our work.

It is truly inspiring and gratifying for us to see our project and the values we defend have their place in events for the future of our societies in front of a large audience. We are looking forward to see this movement growing!

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Our fermenter necklace at the G20 summit for the Global Food Security Forum!

During his speech on “Food Security and Tempe Fermentation Driando from Tempe Movement used our necklace to explain the principles of tempe(h) fermentation and why tempe(h) should be deployed as a naturally nutritious, sustainable and affordable food.

We are very proud that our work and the values we embody are understood and used at such events to convey such an important message about the future of our food system.

Thank you Driando for this inspiring speech!

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Maker Faire Roma 2022

Here’s a glimpse of our Fermenter Necklace at the 10th edition of Maker Faire Roma 2022 this past October 7-8-9. Thanks to Fab Lab Barcelona for featuring us on their booth.

Pictures: Courtesy of Fab Lab Barcelona

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Terra i Gust

These past weekend was the Fiestas de La Mercè, the big celebration of Barcelona. And with it came the festival of sustainable food at the Ronda de Sant Antoni. Our Fermenter Mini was showcased at the FoodShift2030 stand. We are very glad to have participated in the celebration of the beautiful and sustainable Barcelona!

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