Special visit from Kyoto

We received a visit from Japan last week :) Thanks to Ryota and Yukiko for including us in their research trip for the Sustainable Gastronomy programme at Kyoto University and SACI (Office of Society-Academy Collaboration for Innovation).

We talked about fermentation, of course, but also social innovation, citizen participation and open-source design. Hope we exchanged good living matter and thoughts that will travel away.

Photo by Ryota Kamio

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September 2024

Four years ago we started Domingo Club with the desire to invite as many people as possible to join us in a way of life that we cherish. In the beginning, we wanted to explore and experiment with the way we eat, the way we grow our food, to play with old and new living materials that can make up our homes, to try new things every day and share them with friends, strengthening the fragile bonds we have with our communities. But gradually we began to imagine a bigger picture, a world where all beings are treated equally, where communities are self-sustaining, where technological advances are shared with all, where the land can feed us again and again without losing its breath.

Living Necklace

This month we are more than grateful to be able to take our vision to another level. Our open-source tools, which make it possible to ferment plant protein at home, will be exhibited at Vienna Design Week, while we travel to Singapore to showcase our latest edible mycelium experiments, along with a living necklace that brings you closer than ever to your food production. We couldn’t imagine being at these two amazing events at the same time, it somehow reveals the need and urge to explore new practices in a changing world. We are proud to show alternative futures that we believe in.

Thank you all for your support.
Keep experimenting and questioning the world we live in.

Antoine and Maud

Edible mycelium experiment
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La Nature Festival

Courtesy of Kat Closon

Souvenirs from the La Nature 2024 Festival, where we were invited to create a 3-day immersive performance using the Domingo necklace we designed.

La Nature is an intimate art and music festival nestled in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes. The thematic cycle aims to follow the flow of nature and its impact on the evolution of organic matter and biological phenomena, from photosynthesis to decomposition and all the stages in between. In 2024, they entered the ‘Mycelium’ phase. We therefore offered a 3-day participatory performance in which 30 festival-goers were each invited to wear a necklace filled with beans inoculated with rhizopus spores. While the participants enjoyed the various festival activities, they all transferred their own body heat and energy to their little tempeh being made. They kept the necklace around their necks as they danced, vibrated and were inspired by the music and activities linked to the festival in the middle of the forest. They were able to watch the mycelium grow over the hours and days, giving them a very special connection with the natural process of mycelium formation and tempeh fermentation.

At the end of the mycelium’s growth, after 48 hours of fermentation, we came together again for a small tasting feast where each collar wearer was invited to discover their piece of tempeh by releasing it from the collar and smelling, touching and tasting it.

This immersive experience invited us to rethink our relationship with living things, by engaging in an intimate dialogue with mycelium, the source of life and transformation.

Courtesy of Margot Lavigne, Kat Closon, Juliette Viole.

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Setmanes d'Arquitectura Barcelona 2024

We are delighted to be taking part in the ‘El Clot Spot’ project included in the Setmanes d’Arquitectura de Barcelona festival programme this June!

Centred on the El Clot neighbourhood, the installation imagined and orchestrated by Fanfaluca Collective embraces a cyclical materials economy, highlighting the potential uses of biomaterials in architecture, and incorporates elements co-created with residents to enrich the dialogue between them and the public space.

Domingo Club is contributing with a participatory workshop exploring and shaping mycelium as a joint in an architectural context.

Visit our installation in Plaça de la Bicicleta from 8 to 16 June.

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International Congress of Ecological Agriculture

Souvenirs of Cáceres where we got invited to the International Congress of Ecological Agriculture organised by SEAE (Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica/Agroecología) to promote tempeh fermentation as a way of strengthening and diversifying local ecological agriculture with legumes. We had some great encounters, discussions and wonderful spring hike. Thanks to the organisation!

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ReFi Unconference

A few weeks ago we cooked a colourful and savoury vegan dish to showcase our project and the power of tempeh as a source of local, sustainable and regenerative protein during the Re-Fi Unconference at Akasha Hub barcelona.

This event aimed to build bridges between global and local initiatives that share the values of democracy and solidarity through decentralised technologies for ecosocial transition. It was very meaningful for us to take part in it with a multi-sensory and social activity which is eating together.

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Domingo Fermenters Club #02

​Fermentation is a beautiful practice of resilience that invites us to (re)discover our food landscape, to collaborate with microorganisms and to delight our taste buds. We love the effect that fermentation, and therefore fermented food, has on us so much that we would like to invite you all to another Domingo Fermenters Club next Sunday, the 5th of May.

​With this meeting we would like to invite you all to (try to) ferment something at home and come and share it with us. Together we will talk, eat, drink, discover, experiment and share the fascinating world of fermentation. In this edition, Arantza Begueria, fermenter and anthropologist, will present her research on the practice of fermentation in different areas of Barcelona. Guiding us into unexplored territories. The presentation will mainly be in Spanish, but the discussions will take place in a natural way, no matter what language you speak. The food speaks for itself.

The Domingo Fermenters Club is a gathering where new and old friends share a common practice, talk about it and share experiences. We learn by doing, we care by sharing. The event is free, although the venue Akasha Hub asks for an annual membership of 5 euros and a jar for donations will be present for those willing to support us financially.

​We hope to see you there with your fuzzy experiment,
Maud and Antoine

Sunday 05/05/24
From 12 to 2 pm

Carrer de la Verneda, 19, Nave 1,
Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona


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Fermentation modes

The fermenter comes with fermentation modes. These modes are made up of time/temperature values, to ensure that the fermenter regulates the environment optimally to suit the growth of our favourite micro-organisms. The interface, located at the top of the fermenter, lets you choose an automatic or manual mode, view the internal temperature (to make sure everything’s running smoothly), and the time remaining. The tempeh fermentation mode took a lot of adjusting, but now we can produce our plant proteins at home with complete peace of mind. What’s more, we’ve made sure that anyone can simply add a fermentation mode, and share their ‘recipe’ with the community so that we can all get good results together.

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Kitchen Lab

Representative image of what we call our kitchen lab: all our petri dishes drying out. Using laboratory tools in our kitchen gives us the feeling of making science and knowledge more inclusive and more fun. Experiment, observe, try again. We like to use these petri dishes to ferment tempeh and koji. In this way, we can watch the magical evolution of the mycelium that grows around the legumes or rice as the hours go by and unfolds its beautiful white coat. This allows us to be aware of and marvel at the natural phenomena that surround us and work in partnership with them.

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Domingo Fermenters Club: First edition!

Bring a homemade plant-based ferment and share it with the club. Together we will talk, eat, drink, discover, experiment and share the incredible world of fermentation.

For this first edition, we will count with the presence of our friend Silvana Lastra Melendro, who will present us her project BICHO and her special relationship with her kombucha. We can’t wait to find out more.

Meetup: Domingo Fermenters Club 24/03/24

The event is free for members of the Akasha Hub association. And if you are not yet a member, it only costs 5 euros a year to become one.


  • Presentation of the BICHO project by Silvana
  • Sharing and tasting of everyone’s ferments
  • Discussion and fermentation of ideas

Come and discover, learn and experiment with us.

Sunday 24/03/24
From 12 to 2 pm

Carrer de la Verneda, 19, Nave 1,
Sant Martí, 08018 Barcelona

Meetup: Domingo Fermenters Club 24/03/24

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